勒邦·占士 LeBron James
名人人氣: 3063公認是NBA歷史上最偉大球員之一,曾效力過克里夫蘭騎士和邁阿密熱火,是NBA歷史上第一位率領三支不同球隊奪冠,且都拿下NBA總決賽最有價值球員的球員。
41) I hear my friends and my mom tell me I’m special, but honestly, I still don’t get it. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
I hear my friends and my mom tell me I’m special, but honestly, I still don’t get it. …
42) 我會笑和開玩笑,但我不會很容易分心。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
我會笑和開玩笑,但我不會很容易分心。 …
43) I laugh and joke, but I don’t get distracted very easily. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
I laugh and joke, but I don’t get distracted very easily. …
44) 偉大是由你想在你所做的事情中投入多少來定義的。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
偉大是由你想在你所做的事情中投入多少來定義的。 …
45) Greatness is defined by how much you want to put into what you do. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
Greatness is defined by how much you want to put into what you do. …
46) 有時你的最大努力還不夠好。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
有時你的最大努力還不夠好。 …
47) Sometimes your best effort just isn’t good enough. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
Sometimes your best effort just isn’t good enough. …
48) 也許我的痛苦是動力。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
也許我的痛苦是動力。 …
49) Maybe my pain was motivation. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
Maybe my pain was motivation. …
50) Dream as if you’ll live forever, Live as if you’ll die today! (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
Dream as if you’ll live forever, Live as if you’ll die today! …
51) You’re not gonna succeed all the time and I know that. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
You’re not gonna succeed all the time and I know that. …
52) You can’t be afraid to fail. It’s the only way you succeed. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
You can’t be afraid to fail. It’s the only way you succeed. …
53) I feel if I play my game, it will take care of itself. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
I feel if I play my game, it will take care of itself. …
54) I hear that word pressure all the time. There is a lot of pressure put on me, but I don’t put a lot of pressure on myself. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
I hear that word pressure all the time. There is a lot of pressure put on me, but I don’t put a lot of pressure on…
55) 當你有那種直覺時,你必須堅持不要回頭。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
當你有那種直覺時,你必須堅持不要回頭。 …
56) When you have that gut feeling, you have to go with don’t go back on it. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
When you have that gut feeling, you have to go with don’t go back on it. …
57) Warren Buffet told me once and he said always follow your gut. (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
Warren Buffet told me once and he said always follow your gut. …
58) 我只是很高興在我的生命中能擁有籃球。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
我只是很高興在我的生命中能擁有籃球。 …
59) 母親和我一直以來都互相支持。我們曾經經歷過艱難的時光,但是她總伴隨在我的身邊。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
母親和我一直以來都互相支持。我們曾經經歷過艱難的時光,但是她總伴隨在我的身邊。 …
60) 我像個超級英雄,請叫我籃球人。 (名人: 勒邦·占士 LeBron James)
我像個超級英雄,請叫我籃球人。 …